Healthy Dogfood

Should you supplement your dogs diet?

According to Dr. Andrew Jones, a great “enlightened” vet in Nelson, BC, there are 7 signs your dog needs supplements. Here are the first 3 and the symptoms to start off with: 1. Limping, lameness, stiff movements, especially after rising from getting up. The most common cause of these signs is from Arthritis, seen in […]

Healthy Dogfood


ProBiotics – do we need them? And do dogs need them? I believe, YES to both. Our digestive system is very similar to that of our dogs. And they might need the pro biotics even more because most of them have survived so far on poor nutrition from heavily processed food. Watch the video and […]

Healthy Dogfood

Great, Healthy Snack…

And how they love it. Organic whole grain?toast with pure peanut butter (the kind without the added sugar and added oil) and sliced bananas. It’s complete, healthy and without any “undisclosed, unidentifiable” ingredients.

Healthy Dogfood

Healthy Carrot Juice

Again, no kibble today. Healthy breakfast for a dog: I made carrot juice for me, with organic carrots, ginger and apple. The dogs had all the pulp with a can of canned salmon each and their (human grade, potency guaranteed) supplements plus Cranimals. To get more ideas and inspiration how to feed your dog kibble […]

Healthy Dogfood

Three very tired dogs

Today was a “bone day”, and these three take bones very seriously. They were out on the deck with their individual bones for over one hour. Then the bones were cleaned off enough so I let them come in with their treasures. I am always amazed how long and hard these dogs try to get […]

Healthy Dogfood

Still think you can get all your nutrition in food?

Think again.? Studies done in Canada, UK, USA and Holland – see below. And when you look at the Calcium depletion alone, in all the veggies, Broccoli being down 61% !!!, it makes sense why so many people have osteo and hip problems and all kind of calcium related challenges.? And for those of you […]